Monday, January 10, 2011

The weekend.

The weekend was very eventful and fun! Friday Night University of Delaware was in the national championships. We went to a bar that some UD alum own and there were alum of all ages from people in their 50s down to us who were still in college. We ended up losing by 1 point! We decided the next morning we were going to try to go for SNL. The process is tiring, tickets are free and handed out at 7am so you have to line up as early as possible if you want a chance. Many people camp out overnight, and as the host was Jim Carrey, people went all out. We hadn't chanced to bring our camping equipment to NYC so we went out at 5am. It was pretty cold at times but we had a lot of fun meeting people and dancing around to keep warm. Chock Full o' Nuts had a truck out there giving away free breakfast and hot drinks. We had our choice of a ticket for the dress rehearsal or the show. More people get accepted to the rehearsal and sometimes funnier things happen so we opted for that. After a McDonald's second breakfast we all slept for a few hours. When I awoke, Kelsey and I went to FIT to see the Japan fashion now exhibition. It was great! The Japanese innovate like no others. We headed back to NBC in the evening to await our fate. They always accept a different number of people each week. Our tickets were in the 70s. In the end they only took about 45-50 people so we got rejected! We were pretty bummed but it was so fun and we are going to try again.

On Sunday, Justin came to the city and visited! We spent the morning shopping in Greenwich Village at American Apparel then had crepes for brunch. That evening we cooked an awesome dinner and visited our friend Sid Seed who works in Williamsburg, Brooklyn at Lifelong Friendship Society.

Japan Fashion Now @ FIT

Awaiting our fate with Jim Carey!

Some great duck items in a Greenwich shop.

Justin's garlic bread. Yum!

Internship at Dresscode

Started my VC winter internship at Dresscode on Dec 15th. My first assignment was to paint a company portrait of Dan and Andre which I completed and will post when I get a chance. They requested that I paint them in the same style that I painted Rambo once and also asked to be packing heat (specifically a Tech 9 sub-machine gun and an AK-47). They loved the way it came out and are planning to have it hung up in their studio.

Anyway, today's my first day back since Christmas break. There are two other interns here now; a girl from Chile and some dude from London. For the remainder of January I will be working on an animation of my own concept and style; using both analog and digital methods. I'm hopefully going to learn my way around AfterEffects and some of the other programs used here.

Still thinking of ideas as of right now.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


this blog dies a quick death.

on to better things - go here!

Ashley outdid my blogging abilities and made this sick VC dept blog. its much cooler dooo it! We decided it would be better if VC was all connected rather than just our class.

The Hybrid Book Fair

Hey all,

Just wanted to let you know about a cool opportunity close to us. The Hybrid Book Conference and Fair will be taking place this Friday the 5th. There are panels in the morning about bookarts, letterpress, collaborative processes, and books in the media etc. Unfortunately the panels are full, however the book fair is 1pm-6pm and FREE and OPEN to the public. There will be tons of book and press artists showing and selling their stuff, not to mention our favorite, Tricia Treacy will be there! This would be a great opportunity to meet some cool artists and check out whats happening in the world of book making and letterpress. I will be there so I think you should come :) It will take place at The University of the Arts 320 S. Broad St. Philadelphia PA 19102. More info at above link. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

these are things i found today on the internet

The first is an article about an icelandic artist preparing for the venice biennale, the second is a review of a film I would like to see that you might find interesting, and the third is a cool music video that was done entirely in flash. Hope everyone is having a good summer, and if you know of any job openings around newark let me know.